Thursday, July 25, 2013

Growing Pains

Our new tent. This is not my picture so I'm not happy posting it. But whatever.
Nothing like being lost in the middle of a decently large French city, driving a car you're just figuring out how to operate, to test your nerve and ability. I believe it's called trial by fire. But I'm writing this, so we lived with out any real problems to speak of. We decided to make a trek to "Decathlon", the French equivalent of a Big 5 Sporting Goods, to try and find a tent. It was only about 20 minutes away, but we don't have a GPS, and the GPS on the iPhone's doesn't really work here. Using direction we wrote down from the internet we managed to make our way there. But on the way home we took a wrong turn, or possibly several, in these god-for-saken roundabouts and ended up right in the heart of Rouen. After some panicking, I calmed down, and with Frank's brilliant navigating, we managed to make our way back to the flat. I didn't realize until after we got home that I'd sweated through my entire shirt in the process. But some good did come of out as now I'm quite confident in the car and we did manage to get a tent. An awesome one at that. I think the tent selection here is far superior to that of the U.S. Although admittedly, I haven't been tent shopping in the U.S. in a while. It looks super fancy, but it was only about $120.
Picture from the other day. Left to right: Gregorio, Fercho, and myself. Unfortunately, Gregorio returned home to Columbia yesterday to play some Futures tournaments in Ecuador. 
Before and after we went shopping we played tennis. We were hitting the ball damn well today, and probably got in a bit over 3 hours of play. In the morning sessions we played a set and Frankie took me down 6-3. He played really well, and more importantly he played really smart, something (no offense Frank) he doesn't always do. It was definitely his best set to date on the clay and I'm looking forward to our tournaments this weekend to see what kind of damage we can do. Pretty light blog today as we didn't do anything all that exciting. I cooked up some Mexican feast for dinner, we've been cooking a lot because it's so cheap and delicious, and am considering an early bedtime tonight. Although realistically, that won't be happening.
Our gym. We've yet to realize it's potential. Maybe tomorrow. 

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