Monday, July 29, 2013

Yvetot: Day 1

You're not getting much today. I lost 0-6, 3-6 and played terrible so I'm kind of pissed, have had slightly too much wine, and am in no mood to rehash a garbage match. I played a 31 year old Swiss hedge fund manager and got rolled. Just an awful match on my part. I'll go into a little more detail tomorrow after Frankie plays in the afternoon.

On the plus side Frank and I finally got French phones today so our loving parents can contact us with slightly more frequency (if they desire). Again, sorry for the brief post, but I'll give you'll a full recap tomorrow. At least I hope I will. Tonight's our last night in the flat so internet could be harder to come by in the future. But rest assured, I'll keep blogging daily, or at least almost daily.
A replica of the Statue of Liberty. Since they gave us our statue, isn't making a replica of their own gift some convoluted version of Indian giving? Or maybe they're just quite proud...


A lovable loser. Max.

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